January 09, 2024
Stretch & Mobility for Back, Traps, & Spine | Great for pre-lifting & increased range of motion
Join Rob in working on stretching and mobility of the back, traps and spine on the GXMMAT mat.
1. Crossed-Leg Cat Stretch: 0:01
2. Crossed-Leg Overhead Lat Stretch: 0:38
3. Straight Leg Seated Back Stretch: 1:19
4. Kneeling Cat Stretch: 1:38
5. High Band Lat Lunge Stretch: 1:55
6. Kneeling T-Spine Stretch: 2:43
7. Standing Pike Back Stretch: 3:22
8. Banded Superman: 3:48
9. Lying Leg Pullover: 4:08
10. Foam Back Roller: 4:43
11. Twisting Scorpion Kicks: 5:14