January 09, 2024
Stretch & Mobility for Back, Traps, & Spine | Advanced Movements
Join Rob in working on stretching and mobility of the back, traps and spine on the GXMMAT mat.
1. Lying Sumo Wall Squat With Massage Ball: 0:01
2. Foam Roller Back: 0:48
3. Kneeling Cat Banded Torso Stretch: 1:28
4. Seated Pike Banded Torso Pull: 1:57
5. Knee Down Lunge High Band Lat Stretch: 2:26
6. Massage Ball Trap Scrub With Kettlebell: 3:06
7. Cross Body Cat Shoulder Stretch: 3:50
8. Elbow Hooked Banded Chest Stretch. 4:39